Comprehensive Eye Examinations


We will assess the general health of your eyes by performing some simple, painless, non-invasive measurements and determine whether vision correction is needed.  We’re also here to make expert recommendations for fitting you with the right glasses, contact lenses  and prescription sunglasses, if needed.  During the exam, we also screen for common eye health issues such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, hypertension, “floaters,”eyestrain caused by computers or digital devices, and others.

Often to get the best detailed view of your eyes’ health, it is necessary to use eye drops that will dilate your pupils.  This is a routine practice, and though it is painless, you will experience mild light sensitivity and difficulty with near tasks for approximately 1-2 hours following the exam.  It is helpful to bring a pair of sunglasses with you to the exam, or even schedule this test on a different day (at no charge) than your initial visit.  If you have any questions about the eye drops, just ask!  We’re here to make the experience as thorough and comfortable as possible.

We use only the latest and greatest in eye examination equipment and technology.  Our clinic is equipped with the most advanced automated refracting tools, helping us get the most accurate measurements as smoothly and efficiently as possible.