Advanced Ocular Imaging


Retinal imaging is an advanced type of screening that allows your optometrist to get a more detailed assessment of your ocular health as well as your health overall. Retinal imaging equipment captures a digital photograph of the back wall of the eye which encompasses not only the retina but also the blood vessels and the optic nerve. These images are highly effective in diagnosing and treating an array of medical issues such as glaucoma, diabetes, macular degeneration as well as hypertension. For this reason it is a strongly recommended component of your annual or bi-annual eye examination.

Oftentimes patients are concerned about immediate or long term effects of retinal imaging. Here’s the good news; there are none. Unlike x-ray technology this equipment operates in the same way as any camera, meaning it does no harm whatsoever to your eyesight or your health. It is entirely safe and ensures that you are receiving the best care possible. In most cases you will be shown these images which will allow you to have further insight into your own ocular health as well as the health of your body. These images will also be kept with your file which means that each time you have them done by your optometrist they will be able to review and compare any changes within your eyes and monitor any ongoing conditions you may have. It is a proactive way of ensuring premium patient care.